How can I help you?
Who knows how many times Samuel asked this question in his 26 year career in public relations. No, not even Samuel himself.
It was as much by chance and by choice that Samuel, a journalist by training, evolved and eased himself into a marcom role for a country club, before founding Clout Communications.
Leveraging on his expertise and connections both as a journalist and a marcom specialist, Samuel found great success in helping fashion, lifestyle, retail, luxury and wellness brands tell their stories through respected media outlets. Many prestigious and glamorous public relations projects came and went, but Samuel never stopped asking – “how can I help you”.
It takes two to make things work. Even if Samuel is ready to extend his help, sometimes the market confuses public relations with its more famous sibling, advertising. Samuel reserves his focus on helpable clients and therefore managed to keep his business lean. In the end, in business, it’s not about having everything, but knowing what choices to make.
Nebulex Recommends: The world has never been too fair. There are industries that are easier to understand and more attractive to pitch, and then there are the rest. The challenge for the disadvantaged is clear: simplifying the explanation and saying it in the listener’s lingo. And then maybe more customers would become choice customers worthy of the best help.
Closing Thought: It is always important for businesses to choose their customers carefully. A confused customer bears no convincing testimonial. But a business that chooses to help customers become their choice customers – I suppose that’s a choice choice.
Visit Clout Communications at https://cloutcomms.sg.